Jessica’s Story

Jessica’s message:

In 1964, the day after he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave a lecture where he laid out three issues plaguing the modern world, the second of which he called poverty. He said “There is nothing new about poverty. What is new, however, is that we have the resources to get rid of it. “ Fast forward to 2020, and poverty is still very much a problem, particularly in metro Atlanta. The reality is that 21.6% of Atlanta’s population are living in poverty. This number likely includes some of our neighbors, coworkers, and friends.

The Junior League of Atlanta’s Little Black Dress Initiative works to generate awareness around generational poverty and raise funds that are ultimately used to support those experiencing poverty. With your help, we can continue the fight in eradicating poverty. Please consider sharing the message and supporting the Little Black Dress Initiative.

Jessica Wallace

JLA member and LBDI, Chair-elect

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